The goal of the KinShirt project is to develop a smart t-shirt that will optimize the workouts of recreational and professional athletes and group users such as the military and police. The T-shirt will contain kinesiological sensors embedded in the fabric of the active T-shirt. The sensors will send accurate data on body movement to a mobile app that will record and analyze activities in order to optimize training and achieve better exercise results. We will make a significant upgrade of the existing smart textiles, which mainly record body parameters such as pulse, respiration and GPS.
Total cost of the operation
1.330.467,05 €
Amount of co-financing
413.153,91 €
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the EU from the European Regional Development Fund (link).

Kinesiological assistant
as an active smart shirt

The Kinshirt, designed and made in Slovenia, is a smart kinesiological shirt that helps users optimize their exercise performance using textile-integrated sensors. Without needing extra gadgets, the sensors gather data on breathing, cadence, and movement, sending it to a mobile app via Bluetooth. This subtle integration leaves movement unaffected while the app provides visual insights, enabling users to design efficient personal training plans.